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Burckhardt Compression
MetaDesign Zürich




Brand Architecture


Burckhardt Compression (BC) is one of the worldwide market leaders in the field of reciprocating compressors and the only manufacturer that covers a complete range of reciprocating compressor technologies. Although only at a very slow pace, the needs of the clients changed: lack of manpower and knowledge on the client side, cost pressure and new social and environmental requests. So the management board decided to divide the company in two divisions. On the one hand to better meet the requirements of the very different markets they serve. On the other hand to create greater awareness for their service portfolio. The result: drifting apart of the two divisions and thereby loosing the competitive advantage in the market. 


Together with the client we redefined their understanding of their dedication to excellence. Striving for a new common purpose which reflects both divisions equally and inspires new products and services which create real added value for their customers. And thereby enables BC to take on their new role in the industry as a needs driven service partner.


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